Roger Johnson – Q&A

Roger Johnson


Where are you from?
Born in Stoke-on-Trent

How did you get started in broadcasting?
Local Radio

When was that?

Why News broadcasting?
Lots of variety. Plenty of deadlines. No day is ever exactly the same.

Where else would have viewers seen or heard you before?
I’ve been on South Today since 1997. Previously on BBC Local Radio in Southampton and Manchester. Have also worked on screen for BBC News 24 and BBC Final Score.

What is your Best on-air moment?
Presenting South Today from France on the day Ellen MacArthur came back from the Vendee Globe (2001). We’d been covering her for a long time before other media was interested. When she burst onto the world stage, she was gracious enough to grant us one of her first interviews.

What is your Worst on-air moment?
Standing waist-deep in water – waiting for a cricket match to be played on a sand-bank in the middle of the Solent. The water hadn’t cleared as quickly as expected – and I’d come to work that morning in a suit! It all worked out well on-air, thankfully.

What would you like to do before your career ends?
Present for network BBC.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Not much time for that with a young family.

What advice would you give to anyone that would like to get into the broadcasting world?
Don’t give up and don’t be a prima donna.

A big thanks to Roger for taking part.

Posted by on Thursday 21 May 2009